Friday, June 10, 2011


1June - its time ... my team vs JOHOR . At last , we lose . But we dint sad abt it . ;) thn the others i 4gt ler..PAISEH ! x] herm ...

2June - 0mg ! My team vs PAHANG . We lose agn , just lose 1score ! Many ppl cry bcz of tht 1score . ;'( WE ALL DONT WANT SHOPPING , WE ONLY WANT BASKETBALL =( .. But wht cn we d0 ? lose lerr, cnt turn bck the time ler.. so jz xcept tht we lose on tht game . =( When we all at bus ,  THE BUS DIN HV OUR LAUGHING SOUNDS LYK EVERYDAY , cz JUST BECAUSE OF THE 1SCORE ! 0h god ! ;'(

3June - herm .... my team din hv any game ler , so we just go to c match , shopping , tht only . thn . i also 4gt wht we do ler.

4June - 0w...after we all go c under18 girl match , we go TAI GUO BIAN JIE ! hv fun at thr =D . we buy some clothes , souvenirs lyk tht lh. hehe . be4 we go TAI GUO BIAN JIE , we also gt go tht chinese ppl d place . dn0 hw to say lh. zhong zhi VRY FUN jiu ke yii liau . hehe x]

5June - it is closing ceremony ! herm...lee luh and chin khai xin was choosen [ ZUI YOU QIAN NENG DE QIU YAN ] khai xin nw is star already 0hhh.. ! xD . after closing ceremony , we all go KB Mall shopping for the last tym ! ;( thn we all go bck hostel , thn pack our thing standby go to KLIA . 10pm lyk tht we all went to KLIA by bus..

6June - We arrived ler KL , we all go eat breakfast . be4 we all go eat breakfast , my team go toilet and brush out teeth . 0mg ! many ppl [ even me ] der brush iin XING LI , thn those ppl wh0 din bring brush use hand to brush teeth ! 0mg , it was a funny memo for us ! xD  herm .. thn we go to KLIA , when we arrived klia , we go check in thn go eat & shopping for some chocolates at airport. After tht , we go ply . some ppl go KFC thr ply..some ppl go yamcha at secret recipe . After tht agn , all ppl need BERKUMPUL at 1 places, gt time lagii , thn we play TRUE OR DARE / MONKEY at thr . herm . so syok ! =) tym for UNDER12 BOY AND GIRLS fly bck to sabah =( some ppl of under12 girls cry . ;'(  BU SHI DER ! haix. 8pm++ lyk tht we all arrived sabah ! =( bye all my friends. SEE YOU ALL NEXT TIME ! ;(

1 comment:

  1. don say liao leh.. :(( i miss it so much oh... T.T wuuuuuuuuuuu!!
