Monday, June 6, 2011

SABAH team ! =')

The story of 29May-6June ....

29May - Sabah team from KKIA ''fly'' to KLIA  thn went to KELANTAN by bus . The hostel's bed was very dirty & the toilet also dirty ! @@ bt at last we all XI GUAN liau .

30May - under12 's girl sabah team went to the bkb court to 适应场地。under 12 's boy sabah & under 18's  boy and girls go KB MALL  . thn . after under12's girl sabah team finish  适应场地 , we all go KB MALL , when we arrived KB MALL , them all [  under 12 's boy sabah & under 18's  boy and girls ]want go bck liau .  thn my team go eat MCDONALD .

31May - its time for under12's girl sabah team VS pulau pinang . we win , Yeah! =D under12's boy lose ler D= , under18's boy win also . =D under18's girl nt yet play.


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